Translations:Creating a Windows VM/31/en

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  1. On the Security Groups tab, select Access & Security; on the default row, click Manage-Rules-Button.png
  2. On the next screen, click Add-Rule-Button.png
  3. RDP has a predefined rule. Select it in the Rules dropdown menu and leave CIDR' under Remote.
  4. Replace the in the CIDR text box with <your-ip>/32.

    If you don't know your current IP address you can see it by going to in your browser. Leaving will allow anyone to attempt a connection with your VM. You should never allow completely open access with RDP as your VM will be susceptible to brute force attacks. This replacement will restrict RDP access to your VM only from this IP. If you want to allow access from other IPs you can add additional RDP rules with different IP address or you can specify a range of IP addresses by using this tool to calculate your CIDR rule from a range of IP addresses.

    If you leave RDP open to the world by leaving the in the CIDR text box, a cloud administrator may revoke access to your VM until the security rule is fixed.

  5. Finally, click the Add button.