Translations:Storage and file management/17/en

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When your account is created on a cluster, your home directory will not be entirely empty. It will contain references to your scratch and project spaces through the mechanism of a symbolic link, a kind of shortcut that allows easy access to these other filesystems from your home directory. Note that these symbolic links may appear up to a few hours after you first connect to the cluster. While your home and scratch spaces are unique to you as an individual user, the project space is shared by a research group. This group may consist of those individuals with an account sponsored by a particular faculty member or members of an RAC allocation. A given individual may thus have access to several different project spaces, associated with one or more faculty members, with symbolic links to these different project spaces in the directory projects of your home. Every account has one or many projects. In the folder projects within their home directory, each user has a link to each of the projects they have access to. For users with a single active sponsored role, it is the default project of your sponsor while users with more than one active sponsored role will have a default project that corresponds to the default project of the faculty member with the most sponsored accounts.